Beth van Amerongen

Programme Officer of the IWC Amsterdam

I was born American, but am now also (proudly) Dutch. I moved to Amsterdam in 2015 with my husband, Marcel. We were quickly “Amsterdamned” and now consider it home. Other expat experiences include twice living in the Frankfurt area and most recently a short-term assignment in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. 
A chemical engineer from Northwestern University (Evanston, IL, US), I love travel, particularly skiing and boating, and am a staunch supporter of the arts. I was the Board President of a community theatre in Texas for five years and all three of my adult children are professionally involved in the performing arts.
International women’s groups are near and dear to my heart, because of the connections made and sharing of cultures. In 2010, following one of my repatriations to the US from Germany, I formed an international group which quickly grew to over 200 women and continues to operate today.
As IWC Progamme Officer, I will strive to provide fun, stimulating topics and speakers for our meetings and welcome member input.