Join the IWC

Women of all nationalities are welcome to join the International Women’s Contact Amsterdam. Women of Dutch nationality who have lived outside of The Netherlands within the last five years are also welcome to become members.

Our annual membership fees are €110 per year. New members pay a one-off €15 joining fee. Our club year runs from 1 May to 30 April.

Please contact the Membership Officer at for more information. 

  • Payment is due before 15 June for the following club year.
  • As a member, you will receive our digital newsletters throughout the year, with updates, news and information about events. You will also have the opportunity to join our private IWC Members Facebook group, which will help you to stay up-to-date with all our many activities.
  • Please note that membership is only valid after payment of the annual membership fees.
  • If joining mid Club year, partial membership fees can apply.
  • Membership fees are non-refundable.
  • For more information about joining the IWC, please send an email to our Membership Officer at
IWC Amsterdam Netherlands

Are you interested? Get in touch!

Every nationality is welcome to our club. You can get more information by filling out the inquiry form below. The form will be sent to our membership officer who will get in touch with you. Fields that are marked with an asterisk (*) are required.